New Criteria for L2 Chinese Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence Development





JI Jianguo

美国 纽约城市大学 曼哈顿学院

The City University of New York - BMCC



The training of L2 Chinese teachers for American classrooms needs to transcend the traditional approach that focuses disproportionately on the linguistic description of the language form.  To better facilitate learners’ acquisition of Chinese as a foreign language, it becomes all the more necessary to place a new emphasis on nurturing a strong transcultural consciousness about L2 pedagogy, and on developing a need-based, transculturally-oriented, and process-targeted capacity of instruction in the teacher.  Such new criteria is derived from the nature of the L2 Chinese education, whose uniqueness is particularly manifested in the academic characteristics of this field of learning, in the expectations for teachers’ professional knowledge structure and pedagogical competence to cope with learners’ needs for transculturally-based cognitive-linguistic development, and in the crucial importance of transculturally-oriented pedagogical consciousness for L2 Chinese teacher training. It also sets peculiar demands for theory building and teacher preparation specifics.  L2 Chinese teacher training operations will need to undergo corresponding adjustments and modifications in order for the quality of L2 Chinese teacher education to meet the transcultural needs of the learners.