


Between Teacher Training and Classroom Process


The reciprocity between challenges in instructed L2 Chinese acquisition and the quality of teacher training demands serious attention and adequate coping strategies.  To secure effective instruction, substantial pedagogical competence needs to be developed during the teacher education process -- necessarily before a prospective teacher gets deployed into the classroom; supportive or remedial in-service teacher training arrangement needs to be in place -- especially for new teachers and junior faculty members.  The measure of a successful teacher development process is ultimately the consistency between a teacher’s developed insight into the L2 Chinese acquisition process, on the one hand, and his/her effective execution of instructional designs and pedagogical facilitation of the L2 Chinese learning, on the other.





江燕、麦健明:  新教师在汉语课堂教学中面临的跨文化挑战的具体体现

·         Classroom routine-setting differences for instructed L2 Chinese vs. L1 Chinese acquisition

·         Differences between teaching objectives, content and learning activity

·         The need to match teaching and learning with assessments

·         Classroom culture establishment and development

·         The need to develop cooperative relationship with students

·         Communication problems and other issues in the L2 classroom



廖山漫:  中文教师如何确立专业发展目标
