Theme of the Proposal:


L2 Chinese Pedagogy:

American Students’ Needs and Teacher’s Coping Strategies


Panel Chair:  Jianguo Ji


1.     Jianguo Ji  (City University of New York - BMCC)

q         Topic: 

L2 Chinese Pedagogy: Proceduralized Needs Analysis for Facilitating Learners’ Transcultural Cognitive Development 海外汉语教学法:学生的跨文化认知需求与教师的跨文化应对策略


2.     Lan Jiang (William Paterson University)

q            Topic: 



3.     Shanman Liao  (City University of New York - BMCC)

q            Topic: 

Teaching L2 Chinese as a Heritage Language: Learner Needs and challenges to the Teacher


4.     Fei Wang  (City University of New York - BMCC)

q            Topic: 

Beginning L2 Chinese LearnersPerceptions, Difficulties and Strategies

in Learning Written Characters at Introductory Level









L2 Chinese Pedagogy: Proceduralized Needs Analysis for Facilitating

Learners’ Transcultural Cognitive Development


 姬 建 国

Jianguo Ji









Lan Jiang


为尽快缓解及满足新泽西州乃至周边地区合格汉语教师严重短缺的情形,新泽西州立威廉·帕特森大学 (William Paterson University of New Jersey)人文与社会科学院下辖的“关键语言学习中心”在州政府和校方的大力支持下,依托语言文化系,利用联邦政府资助,从2008年暑期开始开办汉语教师证书暨第二学士学位班,致力于培养合格的公立中小学持照教师。





Teaching L2 Chinese as a Heritage Language: Learner Needs

and challenges to the Teacher



Shanman Liao


In 21 century, language and literacy education are viewed more than purely a linguistic issue. When L2 Chinese students come to the classroom with native Chinese language background, educators are facing special challenges. Heritage learners have some advantages over non-heritage language learners. From a theoretical point of view, many people tend to follow the same approach when examining the nature of L2 learning and heritage language learning.

However, there are many questions that need to be answered: How do we meet learners’ linguistic and culture needs in their heritage language learning? What should be taught in the classroom? Can we follow the standard to teach what we have taught in L1classroom? What shall we do to cope with their heritage language acquisition process? How do we distribute the weight of culture and language in teaching? How do we teach heritage learners with communicative instructional procedures? Once these questions are answered, our instructional operations will be much more smooth.




Beginning L2 Chinese LearnersPerceptions, Difficulties and Strategies

in Learning Written Characters at Introductory Level



Fei Wang


This presentation is to analyze how L2 Chinese students process characters.  In particular, I will focus on how students interpret characters and what kinds of resources or strategies they employ in learning and processing them. Pedagogical implications are also discussed. 

        - Teachers may sustain students interest through creating friendly environment, explaining meaning of radicals and allowing students to use pinyin as a crutch.

        - Teachers may give explicit instruction on the structure of characters early. 

        - A good way to teach radicals is to group several characters together with the same radical.

        - Teachers may take time to write characters stroke by stroke and break down characters into small parts.

        - Textbooks or Workbook should print in big fonts for beginners.

        - Teachers may show characters in different fonts and variation of strokes.

        - Teachers may teach efficient learning strategies.

        - Teachers need to keep updated with computer technology.