
(Strategies in Teaching Chinese Characters, K-16)


Panel Chair and Discussant:  Der-lin Chao, Hunter College  (cderlin@hotmail.com)



如何进行汉字教学在初级对外汉语课程中是一个倍受教师关注的课题. 此项讲座的中心议题为使用不同的教学策略来将汉字教学融入语言教学; 在安排教学策略时应考虑哪些因素从而能达到增进不同年龄的学习者的兴趣并且有系统的强化学生识字能力的目的.


我们都知道汉字认读能力是培养学生提高阅读能力的关键,属于初级汉语教学的基本功.我们针对不同年龄层的学习者(K16)设计了不同的教学策略与方法.在此次讲座中我们将用三种,包括图画故事, 电影主题, 以及字理分析等教学法等来说明不同年级的学生适合使用何种教学策略. 每篇报告除了为听众示范教学的内容与过程之外, 在讲座最后主持人将总结这三篇报告并将从汉语学习及汉字教学培训的角度来做讲评, 并与观众进行交流与讨论.


Presentation 1: 

題目:  畫一幅古人生活圖: 看圖說話學漢字

Yan Li, Hunter College (plumliyan@gmail.com)







Presentation 2:

Topic:  Teaching Chinese Characters: Horror Movie Theme

Bo Hao, Hunter College (charles04032@hotmail.com)

        The process of teaching Chinese characters purposefully and efficiently has always been a hot topic in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language. Generally, there are two issues we need to consider before introducing Chinese characters to American students:  One, Chinese characters are complex in nature and drastically different than alphabets used in students’ first languages, therefore they are comparatively harder for them to grasp and understand.  Two, Besides the traditional method of copying for memorization, there are few successful ways to reinforce students’ memories. In order to solve these two issues, one of the methods teachers can adopt is to use Chinese characters under a meaningful context, or interesting themes students can relate to. With these ideas in mind, I used horror movies as the key theme of my lesson plan to teach 17 common Chinese radicals and corresponding characters to students. I chose horror movies as my theme because horror movies have gradually become a part of mainstream American cinema, and arguably a component of the American culture amongst the past twenty years. According to a survey conducted by IMDB, a major portion of horror movie audiences are younger generations and students. Therefore, topics that relate to horror movies are topics students will be glad to discuss and learn about in a classroom setting. By combining such topics with learning materials (common radicals such as [gui3, goast] and [gu3, bones], common characters such as [hun2, soul] and [mo2, demon]), students can acquire new information with ease. A lesson designed with this theme will no doubt be more memorable and will leave a deeper impression in students’ minds.


Presentation 3

Topic:  Teach Characters Using the Analytical Approach

Lulu Dong, Hunter College (luludonglld@gmail.com)

本篇报告介绍在初级汉语课程中从第一星期开始将五学时的汉语课程中分出一学时来进行汉字教学. 在这最初的六个星期当中, 学生使用为学习汉字特别设计的教材来了解汉字结构, 对汉字进行分析, 同时学习并练习汉字学习策略与记忆汉字的方法.在这段时间, 学生对口语课本中的已经 的汉字词汇与对话或短文中出现的汉字做分析字形, 字源等的练习, 除了 强化学生对字根, 部首字的学习外, 同时进行大量的测试, 以确保学习效果. 在学生建立了对汉字的基本知识以后, 学生进一步用汉字来阅读,写文章, 写对话. 这些题目和内容都是学生已经会说的, 因此在做汉字练习时, 又复习了口语. 在第二学期学生在一学时的汉字教学内容中会从人文历史的角度来学习汉字和与汉字相关的知识. 同时继续对在口语课本中出现的汉字内容进行相关的阅读与写作的练习. 将初级汉语课中的一学时放在汉字教学对提高学生的阅读能力的确有事半功倍的效果. 由于学生已经掌握了知识和学习汉字的方式, 对往后的汉字认读和写上都打下很好的基础, 学生也不会因为不能克服学习汉字的困难而半途而废.